If this website helped you with your research, please cite an article (or articles) related to the services you used:
Banach, M. (2023). Structural Outlier Detection and Zernike-Canterakis Moments
for Molecular Surface Meshes - Fast Implementation in Python. Molecules, 29(1), 52.
Banach M. (2023) Improved Assessment of Globularity of Protein Structures and the Ellipsoid
Profile of the Biological Assemblies from the PDB. Biomolecules, 13(2), 385.
Banach, M. (2022). Symmetrization in the Calculation Pipeline of Gauss Function-Based
Modeling of Hydrophobicity in Protein Structures. Symmetry, 14(9), 1876.
Banach, M. (2021). Assessment of Globularity of Protein Structures via Minimum Volume
Ellipsoids and Voxel-Based Atom Representation. Crystals, 11(12), 1539.
Banach, M.; Chomilier, J.; Roterman, I. Contribution to the Understanding of Protein–Protein
Interface and Ligand Binding Site Based on Hydrophobicity Distribution—Application to Ferredoxin
I and II Cases. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(18), 8514.
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