
Privacy policy

This page contains privacy policy – information how personal information of visitors of this website is processed and stored. By using this website you agree to accept all of these terms, as well as the general terms of use, which are available here.

This privacy policy may change from time to time. Most recent version is always available on this page. Any changes are effective immediately they become available online.

1. Privacy in general

  1. This website does not require or expect its visitors to share any personal information.
  2. This website does not share any data with third parties.
  3. This website does not employ any user-tracking technologies or similar anti-features.

2. Access log

  1. Like most websites, this website's web server collects information about the visitors in its access log as a result of its standard operation. This information includes (but is not limited to): requested URL, Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser's user agent string, HTTP referrer string and date of the visit.
  2. Access log is used to prevent abuse, for debugging, troubleshooting and for usage statistics calculation.
  3. Usage statistics, which may be occasionally released, contain only aggregated, anonymous information, such as how many times a service was used or how many visitors from specific country used that service.

3. Cookies

  1. This website uses only session cookies that expire when the web browser is closed.
  2. Accepting cookies is not required to operate this website, submit service jobs or obtain their results.

4. Services

  1. Whenever a job is submitted for any service on this website, settings of this job are written to the database and any file uploaded is stored on the local drive.
  2. Any job's settings are visible to anyone who accesses its URL. Job data contains no private information.
  3. All jobs expire (become unavailable) after 7 days. It is possible to delete a job before that, making its results immediately unavailable.
  4. Expired job data is not removed from database, but all files (including uploads) related to this job are permanently removed from the local drive.

5. Contact

This website is operated by Jagiellonian University – Medical College in Kraków, Poland. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding this privacy policy, click here for contact information.